書  名: The Wisdom of Sundays HyperLink

分類號: 204

作  者: Oprah Winfrey 出 版 社: Macmillan

定 價: 1045.00 (新台幣)

ISBN: 9781509874118
出版日期: 2017/09/21 裝  訂:
來  源: 博客來


    歐普拉最新作品! 收錄各界名人的溫暖分享─《週日的智慧》   Super Soul Sunday是歐普拉所主持的知名節目,邀請各界名人至節目對談生命的啟發與收穫。其中有大家熟知的商業巨人如東尼‧羅賓斯Tony Robbins、赫芬頓郵報創辦人Arianna Huffington,也有人文思想指標,《那時候,我只剩下勇敢》Cheryl Strayed、作家保羅‧科爾賀Paulo Coelho、《EQ》作者丹尼爾‧高曼 Daniel Goleman,諾貝爾獎得主馬拉拉…當然也不乏宗教與心靈領域的重要人物一行禪師、艾克哈特‧托勒Eckhart Tolle、《脆弱的力量》作者布芮尼.布朗Brené Brown等。數十位傑出心靈的人生智慧。   全書以十個章節收納這些人物的訪談分享,從覺醒、內心意向、自我、到原諒等,分別象徵歐普拉自我蛻變昇華的歷程,每章的最初皆包含了歐普拉親自撰寫的短文為引,其後是一篇篇對談的精華,簡潔卻充滿啟發。全書更搭配美麗舒心的照片,適合作為送人的美好禮物,也同樣適合給自己,讓生命充滿溫暖與覺醒的智慧。(文/博客來編譯)   Oprah Winfrey says Super Soul Sunday is the television show she was born to do. “I see it as an offering,” she explains. “If you want to be more fully present and live your life with a wide-open heart, this is the place to come to.”       Now, for the first time, the aha moments of inspiration and soul-expanding insight that have enlightened millions on the three-time Emmy Award-winning Super Soul Sunday are collected in The Wisdom of Sundays, a beautiful, cherishable, deeply-affecting book.       Organized into ten chapters―each one representing a powerful step in Oprah’s own spiritual journey and introduced with an intimate, personal essay by Oprah herself―the Wisdom of Sundays features selections from the most meaningful conversations between Oprah and some of today’s most-admired thought-leaders. Visionaries like Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington, and Shonda Rhimes share their lessons in finding purpose through mindfulness and intention. World renowned authors and teachers like Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hahn, Marianne Williamson and Wayne Dyer, explain our complex relationship with the ego and the healing powers of love and connection; and award-winning and bestselling writers like Cheryl Strayed, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Elizabeth Lesser explore the beauty of forgiveness and spirituality.       Paired with beautiful photographs, including many from Oprah’s private property in California where each episode of Super Soul Sunday is filmed, The Wisdom of Sundays promises to be a timeless keepsake that will help readers awaken to life’s wondrous possibilities and discover a deeper connection to the natural world around them.
推薦人數: 1 推薦日期: 2020/3/17 上午 12:45:33
資料現況: 可外借

館 藏 地: 總館4F西文圖書區 索書號: 204 W768
訂數: 1
推薦目的: 建議典藏地: