書  名: Urban Smellscapes ― Understanding and Designing City Smell Environments HyperLink

分類號: 711

作  者: Victoria Henshaw 出 版 社: Taylor & Francis

定 價: 6825.00 (新台幣)

ISBN: 9780415662031
出版日期: 2013/09/11 裝  訂: 精裝
來  源: 三民


    We see the city, we hear the city, but above all: we smell the city. Scent has unique qualities: ubiquity, persistence, and an unparalleled connection to memory, yet it has gone overlooked in discussi
推薦人數: 1 推薦日期: 2021/7/15 上午 10:25:50
資料現況: 可外借

館 藏 地: 總館4F西文圖書區 索書號: 711 H526
訂數: 1
推薦目的: 建議典藏地: